Vanuatu Red Cross Society
Port Vila
Due Date:
Full Time
Organisation Description:
Purpose of Vanuatu Red Cross Society
Since 1982 Vanuatu Red Cross Society (VRCS) has been improving the lives of vulnerable people in Vanuatu. VRCS is recognized by the Government as an auxiliary to the public authorities in the humanitarian field in accordance with the provisions of the First Geneva Convention. The organization is also a member of the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO).
The main areas of VRCS's work are:
• Disaster Management (that is Preparedness and Response), focusing on community-based Disaster Management
• Health, focusing on First Aid and Hygiene Promotion
• Encouraging youth to volunteer
• Promoting International Humanitarian Law
VRCS has branches in five provinces of Vanuatu, and it has several sub-branches. It can also rely on a solid network of trained volunteers all over the country. About 20 staff members are currently working at National Headquarters in Port Vila, and about 14 staff are working in the other islands.
Job Desctiption:
Purpose of the job
The position will support the implementation of the Partnerships and Resource Development Strategy and Plan for the VRCS, aligned to the global Federation-wide Resource Mobilization Strategy and to globally agreed strategic priorities in partnerships and resource development.
Will work to:
• Coordinate and facilitate partnerships for the VRCS and manage relationships with Partner National Societies and donors across different income streams;
• Support VRCS to strengthen capacities in partnerships and resource development;
• Mobilize resources for VRCS operational plans.
Organizational context (where the job is located in the organization.
This position is for the resources Mobilisation Senior Officer for Vanuatu Red Cross Society (VRCS) Headquarters. Under the management of the SG of and technical support from the VRCS management, the positions helps in the coordination and works closely with the OD unit and the two main operational units of the National Societies: 1) Disaster Management and 2) Program: Health/Wash/Livelihoods, working in line with the VRCS Program PMER Officer will be key in the success of the job
Selection Criteria:
Qualifications and personal qualities required
• University degree in relevant discipline
• Relevant post-graduate degree (International Relations, Humanitarian Affairs, Business Administration or other relevant)
• Relevant Professional training course (Red Cross/Red Crescent related, humanitarian and development sector, management)
• Excellent interpersonal skills
• Able to work well under pressure
• Well organised
• Honest / works with integrity
• Current driver's licence with clean driving record
• Valid, clean police check
Knowledge & skills required
• Relevant experience in fundraising and managing relations with partners/donors, including in developing of fundraising strategies, and with demonstrable success in fundraising with governments, corporate, multilaterals and/or major donors, relevant work experience with the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, including work with IFRC or with a National Society,
• Experience in facilitating training in fundraising and resource development, as well as in mentoring/coaching.
• Work experience with non-profit organizations, NGOs and /or governmental development agencies.
• Familiarity with government aid systems and that of multilateral organisations
• Experience in developing corporate fundraising
• Ability to work in a diverse cultural context
• Strong knowledge of information sharing.
How to Apply
Apply by:
Contact Person:
Contact Phone:
(678) 27418
Email to send applications to:
Postal Address or location to apply in person:
Interested candidates may submit their applications, with letter of interest and CV, no later than 20th August, 2021, to HR department: recruitment@redcrossvanuatu.com
VRCS HR Department, PO Box 618, Port-Vila, Vanuatu
Application by email: recruitment@redcrossvanuatu.com
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
How to apply - more information:
Interested candidates are invited to pick up a more detailed Job description of this position at Vanuatu Red Cross Office (located at Vanuatu Red Cross Headquarters), or send request by mail to: recruitment@redcrossvanuatu.com
For further information on the above job please contact the employer directly.
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